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Parents Still Uneasy Over Sons in Military Service

Posted June. 27, 2005 06:18,   


Following the circulation of nude photos of some riot police members, nude photos of some Marine Corps members, and a video in which a superior seems to assault his inferior in the barracks of a correctional institution on the Internet, is raising a stir.

A video shot at a correctional institution features a scene in which after a member, who looks like a senior, kicks a junior member, the junior member collapses on a bed.

After the video was circulated on the Internet, the opinions of netizens criticizing the violent culture within barracks, saying, “attack on a junior soldier is still prevalent,” are flooding onto the Internet.

Regarding the matter, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) explained that the controversial video was produced last August by four people who imitated U.S. professional wrestlers they had seen on TV after finishing roll call, and claimed it was not a real assault scene.

In addition, the headquarters of the Marine Corps embarked on an investigation, in the wake of the circulation of nude photos of soldiers, who are presumed to be Marines, on June 26.

These photos show a superior, who approaches standing inferiors dressed in underwear only, and looks at underwear, or some junior members standing hiding only their private parts with hats.

An official of the Marine Corps said that because the hat used to hide the soldiers’ private parts seems to be the octagonal cap of the Marine Corps, the Marine Corps started an investigation.

The corps is presuming that a person discharged from service long time ago posted the photos onto his own homepage as the supply of white-colored underwear shown in photos was suspended five or six years ago.

Jin-Young Hwang Sang-Ho Yun buddy@donga.com ysh1005@donga.com