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Defense Minister: U.S. Currently Has No Intention to Strike North Korea First

Defense Minister: U.S. Currently Has No Intention to Strike North Korea First

Posted June. 09, 2005 06:28,   


On June 8, Defense Minister Yoon Kwang-ung said that at this point, there was a zero percent chance of a U.S.’s preemptive attack or military action against North Korea.

In a radio program, when asked about the possibility of a U.S. preemptive strike on North Korea, Minister Yoon noted that if the U.S. took military action on the Korean peninsula, it would have to consult with the Korean government in advance.

Regarding foreign media reports that the U.S. established “ConPlan 8022,” a secret plan for a preemptive attack on North Korea’s nuclear facilities, Minister Yoon stated that the “ConPlan 8022” is not verifiable and that the Korean government is considering the news of “ConPlan 8022” unsubstantial.

Concerning ConPlan 5029, which the Korean government has recently decided to supplement and develop with the U.S. Defense Department, Yoon stressed that the sufficiently-developed ConPlan can handle the situation regardless of the conditions.

Regarding the Northeast Asia Peace Balancer theory, Yoon said, "The Korea-U.S. alliance could exert a synergy effect when military diplomacy with neighboring countries reaches a certain level," adding, "Considering Korea`s historical environment one century ago, Korea`s role as a balancer in Northeast Asia emphasizes Korea`s moral, and ethical values in a peaceful way, rather than in terms of military power."

Sang-Ho Yun ysh1005@donga.com