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Satellite Digital Mobile Broadcasting is “On Air”

Posted May. 01, 2005 23:38,   


The “TV in your hands,” satellite Digital Mobile Broadcast (DMB) has begun commercial service.

The moment Seo Young-gil, president of TU Media, switched on the satellite DMB transmitter in the main control room of the TU Media broadcast center in Seongsu-dong, Seoul at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, an antenna on the rooftop shot broadcast waves to the Hanbyeol Satellite circulating at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers.

The satellite sent back the waves to some 28,000 cell phones, car phones and other handsets with receptors nationwide (the number of receptor-installed handsets as of April 30), marking the start of DMB service.

Seo said, “The commercial launch of DMB is a result of four years of effort since we applied for a satellite orbit with the International Telecommunications Union in 2001. We have launched the world’s first satellite DMB service, and we will lead the way in ushering in the age of ‘mobile TV.’”

Shin Mi-ra, 44, was the first subscriber to satellite DMB. Shin said in a telephone interview that “the broadcast is not disrupted and is fairly cheap, so I’m satisfied with the service.”

TU Media has test broadcast programs since January 10 this year. A mobile-only channel, “Channel Blue” kicked off DMB service as the first program to be broadcast.

Suk-Min Hong Sang-Hoon Kim smhong@donga.com sanhkim@donga.com