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Only Three Month Salary Cut for Eavesdropping?

Posted March. 27, 2005 23:22,   


On the issue regarding the KBS eavesdropping scandal, Jin Jong-chul, the KBS union head, held a press meeting on Sunday, criticizing, “The apology made to the public by the management is an act of ridicule. If President Jung Yun-joo does not step down to take responsibility for the incident by March 29, we will use whatever means possible.” On the same day, labor union members said, “The proposal by management to reduce their salary for three months is a disgraceful act to rebuild the credibility and morality of KBS for mere six million won.”

Regarding the dismantling of the labor team, the labor union asserted that “Management’s claim that the recording was done at the employee`s discretion while at the same time breaking up the labor team does not make sense. By quickly breaking up the labor team, management has acknowledged that the eavesdropping was an organized act.”

The labor union stated, “In 2003, BBC Director General Greg Dyke took the blame for a report that harmed the credibility of its station and resigned. We are demanding the resignation of Jung, not in the interests of the labor union, but in the interests of viewers.”

Also, the labor union head added, “Some, including the KBS press association, are stating that we have not taken in all of the members’ opinions, but the labor union is dealing with the matter according to official procedures.”

Ji-Won Jun podragon@donga.com