Posted December. 01, 2004 22:55,
North Korea has imposed suspension on the construction equipment and vehicles of South Korean companies, and called for compensation from the U.S. for the delayed construction, the AP news agency reported Wednesday.
It also said that North Korea has blocked 93 heavy construction equipment and 190 vehicles, including bus and small-sized cars, which the North is trying to use as a bargaining chip for the nuclear crisis.
North Korea is also known to have threatened to seize the office equipment and computers of South Korea companies at the construction site, added AP.
In relation to this, KEDO spokesman Brian Kremer commented that no improvement has been made in the negotiations with the North, but he is expecting that KEDO would solve this problem.
On the other hand, a person concerned with the Office of Planning for the Light-water Reactor Project said that the North has already suspended the equipment for the light-water reactor even prior to the imposition of construction suspension in November 2003.