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Who is the Oldest Korean?

Posted September. 30, 2004 21:45,   


A recent investigation showed that Korea’s longest living female and male are 109 years old and 105 years old, respectively.

Seoul National University Medical College’s Professor Park Sang-chul and his team conducted a survey in celebration of Old Man’s Day, which is tomorrow. They surveyed 1,296 men and women over 100 years old since 1999 and announced yesterday that the oldest is 109-year-old Choi Ae-gi, who lives in Chung-oon dong, Jongro, Seoul.

The second oldest is Um Ok-goon from Daejeon. According to her certificate of residence, Um’s birthdate was five months earlier than Choi, but during the research, it was discovered that it was actually nine months later.

The oldest man is Lee Young-soo (105 years old) from Naju. Following him is Jung Yong-soo from Incheon, who was born eight months after Lee.

Regarding the methods for living a long life, Professor Jang said, “Long-living people are assiduous, eat everything, and think positively.”

The research team received information of 1,296 people over 100 years old from all over Korea and selected the oldest by looking at the zodiac sign, presence of late-80-year-old children, testimonies of neighbors, and periodical situations.

The team also selected thirteen 108 years old and higher females and 105 years old and higher males to research the method of having a long life.

Sang Hoon Kim corekim@donga.com