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Did Yu Commit “Thursday Night Murders” As Well?

Posted July. 18, 2004 22:10,   


It was reported that after Yu stopped murdering after committing four murders during last September to November. Then, he started committing murders again since this February. Questions on what he did during the three months of blank time have been aroused.

The so-called “Thursday night murders,” which happened in the southwest region, mostly happened during this period, and the subject of the murders, random females, are also very like Yu’s.

However, Yu used blunt weapons like a hammer to kill his 20 known victims. Instead, all of the victims of the murders in the southwest region were stabbed with sharp weapons.

Furthermore, Yu’s reluctant attitude to talk about the murders in the southwest makes the investigation difficult.

Police say, “Although the styles of murders are different, we can’t completely rule out the possibility that those murders were also done by Yu. We will draw conclusion when the investigation on Yu comes to an end.”