Posted March. 26, 2004 22:31,
The Department of Public Security of the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office requested arrest warrants for four leaders who led candlelight vigils concerning the impeachment trial, including Choi Yul, secretary general of the Federation of Environmental Movement, for violating a demonstration law.
In response to this, Mr. Choi said, I will voluntarily go to the police on March 30, but I will continue the candlelight vigils in front of Gwanghwamun in Seoul on March 27 as scheduled.
The arrest warrant was issued to Choi Yul, co-representative of Pan National Movement for Nullifying Impeachment and Clearing Corrupt Politics, Park Suk-woon, chairman of Executive Committee, Kim Myung-ryul, co-representative of Peoples Power of Living Political Network, and director of the Bureau, Jang Hyoung-chul.
It is unavoidable to deal with the promoters judicially as they plan a large-scale candlelight gathering on March 27 even though the government requested it to be restrained by repeating that it is unlawful during that time, Prosecutor Ahn Chang-ho said.
The prosecution said that it would decide whether or not to arrest the individuals according to the situation just in case they participate in the candlelight gathering. However, the police said, We will not arrest promoters during the gathering and will respond to this flexibly.
The prosecution plans to regulate severely regardless of the time of day or whether if it occurs indoors or outdoors according to the article 103 of the election law, which stipulates the prohibition of any gathering affecting the election during the election period if there is a gathering or demonstration related to the impeachment from April 2.
In response to this, the Pan National Movement refuted after the press conference in the afternoon on March 26 by saying, It is less supported by law that judicial authority requested for an arrest warrant irrationally, and they made an irrational political decision.
Meanwhile, the police station of Jongno said, Peoples Power is suspected of having gatherings in front of the National Assembly without reporting to the police before Gwanghwamun gathering, and we already sent a summons to the domiciles and the offices of four promoters to whom the arrest warrants were already issued twice or three times.