A grim resolution hung over the conference room. They all said it was a choice for the nations future and a great cause of political revolution. Those who accepted the ideas sang praises of them as if they were suggesting the resolution full of agony. The nation, however, was somewhat bitter as they watched the conference. People get sick and tired of the unpleasant scene which now has become a regular event.
-One member after another joins the Uri Party.
It was caused by the headway against impeachment that made the approval rate for the Uri Party skyrocket, while that of the MDP has dropped. The apostates are usually the heads of local autonomous entities. Some Representatives are also likely to do so. Even outsiders, who were uninterested in the Uri Party before, now busily crane their necks. Some are mentioned as candidates of proportional representation. A comic statement from the party describes the situation very well. All those who want to join the party now are like seasonal birds. Our party is not an island for those birds.
However, it is not fair to call them seasonal birds. A seasonal bird moves around from here to there to find proper temperature, food, and its root, but never breaks a rule. An ornithologist, Yun Moo-boo said, A migratory bird never leaves its flock. It never happens that a mallard secedes from its flock and joins a flock of wild geese. If that happens, it means death. A politician who throws away his political beliefs and moves around to fill up his greed has to learn from the birds philosophy.
The people who just joined the Uri Party shout aloud the unjustness of impeachment. However, if they really think so, they should have acted with the voice from an earlier process of impeachment. Would they make the same choice even if most of the nation agrees with the impeachment? The Uri party scolded those who went to the MDP from the GNP after the 2002 presidential election as traitors. It should use the same standard this time, too. If not, and it would rather encourage them, it will be blamed as the seasonal birds Party. The seasonal birds may think they have suffered an indignity.
Editorial writer Song Young-un youngeon@donga.com