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GNP and MDP: “Ministers Should Be Prudent About Political Remarks”

GNP and MDP: “Ministers Should Be Prudent About Political Remarks”

Posted March. 16, 2004 22:25,   


As for President Roh’s impeachment bill, some ministers have made sensitive remarks that may exert influence on the upcoming general election, stirring disputes over their impartiality in the election.

In particular, as the Grand National Party (GNP) and the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) have driven forward offensive actions as to the problematic remarks, stating “Roh’s intentions were implied,” the disputes have spread to the level of disclosure of “Roh’s inner thoughts.”

Hong Sa-deok, the GNP’s administrative executive, has dealt with remarks such as “investigation on the possibilities to repeal the impeachment bill” at their executive’s meeting held on Mach 16, asserting that “some ministers, who take sides with the president, check Prime Minister Goh Kun, who legally assumes the presidential duty by reflecting Roh’s attention. If these sorts of remarks were to be continued, we will not keep on looking into it. Minister Kang should be more prudent from now on.” As for Minister Huh’s utterance to the effect that “we can permit candle demonstrations in terms of cultural festivals,” Hong strongly castigated that as an “absurdly reckless remark which interprets the law in one’s own accord.”

The MDP, regarding the remarks of Minister Kang on this day, has commented that “as a minister who should stand up for forming the ambience of fair elections and impartiality, she neglected her fundamental duty and has affected the general election,” and decided to urge the National Election Commission and the Police to investigate as to whether or not she violated the relevant election law.

The MDP has added, regarding the remarks of Minister Huh, that “following Minister Kang, the second close associate of President Roh has appeared,” and decided to hold a Congressional Home Affairs Committee meeting to cross-examine Minister Huh and Kang, and require the acting president Goh Kun to admonish them.

According to this, Goh has pointed out at the State Council held on this day that “In this time of sensitivity, the ministers should watch what they say more carefully than at any other time.”

Minister Kang, on her press conference held on March 15, remarked that “if possible, it is most desirable to repeal the impeachment bill in advance of the election.” Minister Huh, during his appearance on a television discussion program on March 16, stated that “although the candle demonstration at night and without permission was illegal, the meeting in terms of being a cultural festival was not illegal.”

jyw11@donga.com jnghn@donga.com