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GNP Criticizing “All-in The Parliamentary Election”

Posted January. 25, 2004 22:40,   


The Grand National Party (GNP) announced on Sunday its tough correspondence policy against movements for “all-in the parliamentary election” (all-in: concentrating all their efforts) by the Roh government and Uri Party.

Spokesman Park Jin commented, “Although the nation suffers, the president’s only concern is to win the parliamentary election while neglecting national matters,” criticizing, “If Roh is making movements toward an ‘all-in the election’ in order to avoid his errors and the responsibilities for such mistaken conducts, it might bring a dangerous situation in which he denies the election results.”

Separate from such comment, the spokesman department of the GNP distributed 12 summarized examples of “all-in the election” on the same day.

In the distributed material, GNP argued that Roh’s movement for “all-in” is being carried out in an omni directional and blunt manner.

Also, regarding Roh’s announcement at the beginning of the year press conference on January 14 that “it is not right to prevent a person who seeks parliamentary participation,” the GNP said that it reflected Roh’s intention to justify the Cabinet members’ requisitions. It also indicated, in reality, Roh has already issued orders for the mobilization of the cabinet, police, prosecution, and public officials for the parliamentary election.

In addition, GNP criticized that Roh is instigating regional emotions by making statements such as “I cannot sleep when I think about Kwangju, because of GNP’s disapproval against the administration capital issue.”

Shin Dong-chul, vice spokesman, made a comment against Roh’s speech on “revising for an additional shortening of military service period” and said, “There are congesting telephone calls to the GNP rallying against Roh’s short-minded words and actions,” adding, “The president had made virtuous public pledges regarding national defense and withdrew them, which reflects the president’s extemporary attitude on such important national issues just to win more votes for the election.”

Hong Jun-Pyo, chairman of strategic planning, also said, “Even if the failed-Roh government succeeds in the ‘all-in the election,’ the citizens will not respond to them,” criticizing, “How can ministers and vice-ministers of the failed government present touching messages to the citizens?”

Min-Hyuk Park mhpark@donga.com