Posted January. 15, 2004 23:02,
President Roh maintained his optimistic view of the Korean economy at a press luncheon when he said that apart from the current economic situation, there were no other uncertain aspects looming on the political horizon.
The president attended the luncheon on January 15 with 21 newspaper and broadcasting company economic leaders at Inwang sil in Cheong Wa Dae. Roh announced that he had invited the economic leaders in the hope of an economic recovery. Roh also announced that he had invited the press to try and rebuild his relationship with the press, which he said was not that friendly last year.
Roh spent most of the luncheon explaining his political positions, however. The discussion was carried out in a question-and-answer format.
Rohs remarks showed signs of his dissatisfaction with the current situation, and he stated that people who against me claim the economy is not stable. Even people who do not believe this take up this mantra of instability when they cant think of anything else to say.
Later, Roh said that he was ready to answer any questions regarding policy and that nobody asks about it: they only claim that it is uncertain and that they cannot invest because of it. Roh added that he would like to invite people with those views to ask questions.
Roh offered a number of questions of his own. Companies, especially, shout at the president we dont feel secure about the economy. However, no firm ever gives a clear answer when they are asked what statements of mine made them feel this way, said Roh. Did I not promise a business-friendly environment and regulatory relief after my inauguration? I did everything I could to make them less feel anxious.
Roh also commented on the labor movement, saying that he had repeatedly advised and warned labor leaders that the direction they were headed was not in the best interests of the labor movement.
On the subject of criticism of the citizen body, President Roh stated that there is no need for worry. They do not consist of any special power or public power. When their statements and means fail, their arguments fail as well. It is best in that the government do not interfere in these situations.
Roh also addressed the topic of the aftermath of the Gangnam real estate situation by explaining that we are only looking to exclude speculation income. There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of investment profits.