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Death of Kim Yong Soon, North Korea’s Point Man for Inter-Korean Affairs

Death of Kim Yong Soon, North Korea’s Point Man for Inter-Korean Affairs

Posted October. 27, 2003 22:41,   


The North Korea Central News Agency reported Kim Yong-sun, North Korea’s point man for inter-Korean affairs in the North’s Workers Party, died October 26.

The Workers Party Central Committee and the Standing Committee of the Supreme People’s Assembly issued through the obituary, “Kim has been in the hospital since he had the traffic accident last June 16 and has passed away at the age of 69.”

Through the report of his death, the North Korea Central News Agency said, “Kim has devoted himself to open new relations between North and South Korea under the flag of the historic June 15 inter-Korean summit meeting. His achievements will remain in front of the party, the revolution and the country forever.”

Kim was born in Pyungwon of South Pyungan Province and has served as a member of the Supreme People’s Assembly, the North Korean parliament, chairman of the North Korean Asian-Pacific Peace Committee and was also the vice president of the National Peaceful Unification Committee.

Meanwhile, presidential National Security Adviser, Ra Jong-yil said, “I think we should express our condolences considering Kim’s role in inter-Korean relations.” Ra announced the government was considering expressing its condolences, saying “It is natural to convey such a message if one of our neighbors dies.”

Young-Sik Kim Jeong-Hun Kim spear@donga.com jnghn@donga.com