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Assistance to Pro-democracy Activists

Posted July. 08, 2003 21:43,   


Cheong Wa Dae has decided to employ state-owned companies or government-affiliated organizations for those who suffered from physical and emotional trauma because of participation in the pro-democracy movements under past military authoritarian governments. The decision was made in an attempt to assist those people in terms of their living conditions.

"Those who participated in pro-democracy activities did not receive due treatment under the Kim Young-sam government and Kim dae-jung government. The Roh Moo-hyun government has decided to prepare measures to help those who missed opportunities to adapt themselves to society while serving time," presidential advisor for personal affairs Jeong Chan-yong said on Tuesday.

"Some talented and competent people could get jobs at research institutes related to pro-democracy activities or government-affiliated organizations. For those who are not healthy and cannot work in companies, the government is considering offering rights to operate amenities in such organizations," the presidential advisor said.

Cheong Wa Dae plans to offer pro-democracy activists first the operational rights of facilities in government-affiliated organizations when the contract terms expire.

The presidential advisor said that until now as many as 300 sufferers had sent their letters.

Mr. Jeong is said to have reported such measures to President Roh Moo-hyun.

However, controversy is expected to arise because Cheong Wa Dae`s plan is separate from compensation in accordance with the law on compensation related to the pro-democracy movement and clear standards for pro-democracy activists are not in place.

Young-Hae Choi yhchoi65@donga.com