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SARS Is Over Its Peak

Posted June. 06, 2003 22:20,   


The World Health Organization said Thursday that SARS “is over its peak” and “is clearly in decline” worldwide, including in China, the country hardest hit by the disease.

“It`s fair to say that the SARS epidemic is over its peak. We can see it globally and we can also see it in China. We haven’t yet found the SARS vaccine or treatment and diagnosis methods but SARS tells us that it can be restrained.” Dr. Henk Bekedam, the WHO representative in China said in a press conference in Beijing according to the Time Internet edition.

However, he warned that the world had to remain vigilant against the lethal flu-like disease saying the return of SARS to Toronto is what`s worrying WHO.

On Wednesday, WHO announced there was no daily death case of SARS recorded for the first time since WHO declared SARS warnings two months ago.