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U.S. Recognize North Korean Nuclear Weapons In terms Of Its Security

U.S. Recognize North Korean Nuclear Weapons In terms Of Its Security

Posted May. 22, 2003 22:00,   


Professor Victor Cha, an expert on Korean Peninsula at Georgetown University said through his e-mail interview, “America is recognizing the North Korean nuclear issue in terms of security not only in Northeast Asia but also in the U.S.” He explained, “The U.S. pre-attacks against the North Korea is one of the options, but would be the last option.”

He analyzed that the possibility of the U.S. pre-attacks against the North Korea would rise in case the rogue state comes forward to export its nuclear materials or re-dispose its abandoned nuclear fuels.

Regarding the last week`s summit between the U.S. and South Korea, he said, “By confirming mutual confidence between the two leaders, the summit ended on a very successful note smoothing the bilateral relationship.”

Prof.Cha said for the U.S. policy against North Korea, “It would maintain dual track policy of multilateral negotiations and moderate economic pressure, and it might ask the UN resolution to be adopted to implement its policy.”

Prof.Cha attracted public attention by arguing, “North Korea is not one of the evil axis, but its leader Kim Jong-il is very a very cruel and cold-blooded figure” in answers for 10 questions for North Korea in the May and June issue of Foreign Policy which is a bi-monthly magazine for international affairs. He appeared on the magazine with David Kang, a professor at Dartmouth University.

He explained, “North Korea`s development of nuclear weapons is to protect itself from possible attacks of the superpower, and it would not use those weapons as long as it knows the U.S. intention.” He said, “China is the one that has the most influential power over North Korea.”

For an issue of removing the U.S. army from South Korea, he argued, “If that happens, North Korea would be the one that welcomes the news the most. In result, the U.S. will lose its power over one of the most dynamic economic circle in the world.”

Jung-Ahn Kim credo@donga.com