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KJ Choi “with the Legend of Golf …”

Posted April. 09, 2003 22:00,   


Kyung Joo Choi (Superior, TailorMade), `the Tank`, will be having his debut in the Masters Golf Tournament with Jack Nicklaus (U.S.), the `Golden Bear`, in the same division.

According to first round announcements on April 9, K.J. Choi (Ranked 17th in the 2002 American PGA Tour) will make his first tee shot at 11 p.m. on April 10 (Korean Time) with Nicklaus (Lifetime Qualified Participant) and amateur Hunter Mahan (second place winner of the 2002 U.S. Amateur Championship).

The fact that K.J. Choi is grouped with Nicklaus means that the Masters Committee has recognized Choi as one of the world`s top golfers.

It is predicted that the appearance of the Korean player will see more TV broadcasts than usual along with the `Nicklaus Effect`.

“It is an honor to be in the same division in the first round with Nicklaus; a legend in golfing history,” expressed K.J. Choi.

This is the second time that K.J. Choi is playing in the same division with Nicklaus, the first being the Memorial Tournament last year.

“I`ve been following your achievements. Keep up the good work!” Nicklaus encouraged K.J. Choi at the previous tournament. The golfing legend even sent his autobiography, `Jack Nicklaus: My Story` to K.J. Choi after the tournament.

Meanwhile, K.J. Choi, who couldn`t play his practice round due to heavy rain on April 8, barely finished his official practice session on the afternoon of April 9, after the rain had stopped.

Korean Americans from all over the United States as well as supporters from Wando, K.J. Choi`s hometown, followed him all throughout his practice round.

Judging that the outcome of this particular tournament depends on putting, K.J. Choi decided to use his `C-Groove` putter rather than his previous used Odyssey Trihot. He believes that he will be able to retain more stable putting since the golf ball bounces less on impact with the C-Groove due to the `Letter C` shaped groove on the putter.

Moreover, the elder son of K.J. Choi, Ho Joon (6 years old), will be carrying his dad`s caddy bag according to custom during the `Par 3 Challenge` at the 9th hole, a special event to be held a day before the tournament.

“I will never forget this memory of participating in the Masters Tournament together with my son. Since the traveling distance is not so long and just two or three irons and a putter are necessary, my son will be able to carry a child`s caddy bag custom-built especially for my son by TailorMade,” remarked Choi.

Young-Sik Ahn ysahn@donga.com