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Attack Not Stated on the New Resolution of the United States and England

Attack Not Stated on the New Resolution of the United States and England

Posted February. 18, 2003 22:26,   


Despite the anti-war opinions, the United States and England will submit on the 19th a draft of UN Resolution summarizing the approval on the forceful disarmament of Iraq, the UN resident diplomats of the United States and England clarified on 17th.

In the Secondary Resolution, it has been known that it will include that Iraq has committed a ‘serious violation’ against the primary Resolution and that President Saddam Hussein is faced with a ‘severe result’. But it seems like the vocabulary of ‘military attack’ will not be stated clearly. Also, the last plan of the final notification, which is to give a chance for the last time to President Hussein, is being raised.

However, President Jacques Chirac of France clarified his intention to exercise his refusal by saying “there is no need to adopt a new resolution” and Russia and China are also persisting the policy of extending the investigation. Moreover, as Iraq allowed the U2 Jets of the United States to execute the aerial inspection, there has been even more pressure on the discretion argument regarding the military activities.

On the other side, the New York Times and many other, quoting from statements of a high rank government official, reported on the 18th that the United States is processing the analysis on the ‘worst case scenarios’ in accordance with the attack on Iraq. This newspaper reported that “Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense, is checking on the ‘Risk List’ of about 4 to 5 pages in quantity”. It is a part of the preparation of an attack but it is the first time for a high ranking government official to express about the possibilities of ‘unexpected event’ occurrences. It has been analyzed that such events of the following are listed in the list: event of Iraq putting the blame on the United States after using the biochemical weapon / event of Iraq hiding the weapons at the Islam monasteries and using the foreign reporters as their human shields / event of worsening security issues such as North Korea nuclear crisis while the United States puts all of its power on Iraq / event of Iraq destructing its own inheritances and the like.

Seung-Jin Kim sarafina@donga.com