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Deployment of 24 U.S. Forces Bombers near Korea Peninsula.

Deployment of 24 U.S. Forces Bombers near Korea Peninsula.

Posted February. 04, 2003 22:44,   


According to an anonymous high-ranking official of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) on February 3rd, the DoD has ordered deployment of 24 B-52 and B-1 long-range bombers to Western Pacific region within range of Korea peninsula. This is a response to reinforcement request by Admiral Thomas Fargo, Commander in Chief of U.S. Forces Pacific Command.

This official also adds that Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense has yet to make a final deployment order, but there was an emergency standby order for 12 B-52 and 12 B-1 bombers in preparation for deployment. Also according to the official, there are 2,000 Air Force personnel involved in this deployment.

“We clearly want to show that we have sufficient strength to suppress any Iraqi collaborating activities (by North Korea),” says the official.

“This is to suppress an error by North Korea while the U.S. is concentrating on Iraq. In other hand, this is also to provide military option possibility to President George W. Bush if diplomacy fails to prevent North Korea` s nuclear program,” explains the New York Times.

The DoD official also says that the B-52 and B-1 bombers are most likely to be sent to Guam. In addition, F-16 fighters from U.S. mainland may also deploy to Japan. It is known that U-2 reconnaissance planes requested by Pacific Command are also in consideration for deployment.

If the aircraft carrier, USS Kitty Hawk was to deploy to Gulf area, USS Calvinson, which is now training off the Hawaii islands will deploy to Korea peninsula in USS Kitty Hawk`s absence. The USS Calvinson will station itself 700 miles (1120km) off the coast of North Korea and put on alert. However the official says that particular reinforcement for U.S. Forces in Korea was not discussed.

Meanwhile on 4th, Major General Gary Tracksler, Director of Space Air Operations, U.S. Pacific Air Force had a press interview the `Stars and Stripe`, an American Force published Newspaper.

“Pacific Air Force is always in readiness for immediate action and we can support any mission,” says Major General Tracksler.

B-52 bomber is a main strategic bomber for U.S. Air Force since 1955. B-1 bomber is a supersonic bomber that can avoid radar detection and fly low altitude for penetration in the enemy airspace. It can carry payloads of many conventional bombs as well as 32 short-range missiles armed nuclear warheads.
