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“Give 6 Weeks to Iraq to Disarm”

Posted February. 02, 2003 22:36,   


British Media reported that the USA and the UK decided to give Iraq six seeks to disarm. And American and British media also reported that the USA decided to submit an evident that Iraq was hiding the weapons of massive destruction (WMD) to the UN Security Council on the 5th.

▽Giving 6 weeks of time limit=The Times and the Guardian of the UK reported that the US President George W. Bush and the British Prime Minister Toni Blair met at Washington on the 31st of last month and decided to give Iraq 6 weeks to disarm. The Guardian also reported that the Prime Minister Blair proposed to pass the 2nd UN resolution to approve the use of armed forces against Iraq, and the President Bush willingly agreed. The two leaders also agreed to persuade Arabic countries to join in military actions.

▽America`s revealing the evident=A news weekly magazine the Newsweek reported on the 31st of last month that the US Secretary of State Collin Powell said that the National Security Agency (NSA) would reveal △the material that the NSA bugged from Iraq and △the buying record of chemical weapon production material and traveling biological weapon laboratory of by Iraq at the UN Security Council on the 5th.

It was reported that in the bugging material, conversations between Iraqi officials saying how to hide the prohibited weapons and boasting of hiding weapons. The Newsweek reported that according to that material the Iraqi officials said, “Move that,” “Don’ t report that,” and “Hey, they (inspectors) missed that.” The magazine pointed out, however, those were vague, so it was questionable whether those could be ‘the smoking gun’ or not.

The Japanese Kyoto Press also reported that America would submit the data that Iraq bought chemical weapon related materials and traveling biological weapon testing vehicle from Russia and other European countries to the UN Security Council.

The Financial Times of the UK reported that the fact that the core agent of Al Qaida in Iraq Abu Musab Al Zarkawui was involved in the production of the so-called ‘dirty bomb’ using uranium would be revealed at the Security Council briefing by the Secretary Powell.

▽The Head of the Inspectors refuted to the USA = The New York Times reported on the 31st that the Head of the UN Weapons Inspectors Hans Bliks refuted word by word that America was manipulating the contents of the report. He said, “The Secretary Powell said the Inspectors found out that Iraq moved the illegal material related to the WMD to in and out of the country to hide, but it is not true.” He also raised question to the content of the State of the Union by the President Bush saying that Iraq hid away scientists to avoid the ‘hearing inspection,’ and let the intelligent agents disguised as scientists meet with inspectors.

Ki-Tae Kwon kkt@donga.com