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Lee Hoi-chang Announced Retirement

Posted December. 20, 2002 11:20,   


Presidential candidate Lee Hoi-chang of Grand National Party (GNP) announced his retirement. He lost the election yesterday. In the press conference held today at the GNP headquarters in Yeouido, he announced, "As of today, I will wrap up my career. I will leave without any hesitation."

Lee continued, “I failed to be selected a man of people`s choice. I acknowledge my failure. I think the competition was fair, and I accept the result. I give my whole-hearted congratulations to Mr. Roh Moo-hyun, the president-elect. I do wish and believe Mr. Roh will become a president dedicated to the well-being of the citizens and the whole nation."

Lee confessed, "I thought it was my calling to make this nation running off law and principle, and to turn our society into a society where human rights and values are respected. I blame only myself for the result thrown to me today. My whole heart goes to each and every citizen, and asks for their forgiveness."

He asked GNP members, "Now our party has fallen into a bottomless hole. But it is not the end of the story. You have a future. When you get together and help each other, you will come back soon. You should be the freedom-fighters defending democracy, security and economy of this country."

He also requested, "If our party does not derail from the sound, rational and conservative path, our fellow citizens will surely select us some day. Please make our party a party that gets one step closer into the minds of the citizens. It becomes possible only with your dedication and commitment."

Mr. Lee started his political career by taking charge of the presidential campaigning of New Korea Party in 1996. He had served as the heads of the NKP and the GNP, and led the GNP for the past 5 years. But he lost in the 15th and 16th presidential election.