Posted December. 19, 2002 22:44,
The morning of choosing new president of the new millennium has broken.
On Dec. 18, just a day before the presidential election, Lee Hoi-chang of the conservative Grand National Party and Roh Moo-hyun of the pro-government Millennium Democratic Party held a news conference respectively to make the final pitch to voters. Through their news conferences, the leading candidates made their last-ditch appeals for ballots under the banners of imposing a punishment on the incumbent government and consolidating deep-rooted regionalism. Until the late night, both candidates combed through the Seoul metropolitan areas to woo undecided voters, estimated at around 20% of the total 35 million eligible voters.
The presidential election held in Dec.19 will last from 6 AM to 6 PM. It is expected that the results of the election will be known around 9 PM on that day with the help of electronic vote count system introduced for the first time.
Mr. Lee said in a news conference held in the GNP headquarters on Dec.18, If elected, my priority is to implement reforms of Chung Wa Dae, the center of power. Through reforms, I`ll create a new environment in which presidential secretaries will do their assigned jobs sincerely and public servants will serve the public with a sense of duty by running a minister-centered administration.
I`ll certainly unveil truths when it comes to past irregularities and corruption. However, I`ll impose punishments on those who are caught in accordance with the spirit of tolerance by listening to the public. I`ll end the vicious circle of taking despicable political revenge on opponents, he said.
In particular, the GNP candidate appealed to voters by stressing, Tomorrow will mark the day of determining stability or instability of the nation. Radical-minded factions with premature and rash ideas should not be allowed to lead the nation. And the MDP and incumbent government responsible for mismanagements of the country and rampant irregularities and corruption over the past five years should be punished at tomorrow`s poll.
I`ll form a government led by a dream team of most competent people when elected. Those who worked for the Kim Dae-jung government will have a fair opportunity of appointment. And I will always discuss domestic affairs in concert with leaders of opposition parties, he added.
Roh Moo-hyun of the MDP held a news conference at Kimhae Airport and said, This presidential election provides the nation with a golden opportunity of ending chronic and ruinous regionalism in this nation. If South Youngnam Province is in my side, I`ll become president with nation-wide support, in an attempt to woo voters in the region.
Mr. Roh said, Youngnam Province is where I was born and which brought up me, the presidential candidate of the MDP. This province played many pivotal roles in democratic movements in Korea from the 4.19 students` democratic movement and Buma uprising to the June 1987 democratic struggle and now is the time for Youngnam to take the lead in opening a new chapter of national unity in Korean history. He also added, If elected, through dialogue I`ll address nuclear threats posed by North Korea and persuade Pyongyang to dismantle its weapons of mass destruction programs. And I`ll help the North carry out reforms and open its door to the outside world through economic assistance.
I`m applauding Kwan Young-gil of the Democratic Labor Party because he is fighting admirably well in this race. And if elected, I`ll create a political environment in which progressive and reform-minded parties take their places in the Korean political arena and so I would like to ask supporters of Mr. Kwan to cast ballots for me this time, he said at a street campaign held in front of Technomart, a shopping mall, in Kwangjingu, Seoul.
For his part, Kwan Young-gil of the DLP held a news conference at his party headquarters and appeals for votes by stressing, The DLP has been showing the direction in which Korea should proceed through election pledges, including narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor by adopting wealth tax, realizing free medical service and free education, and reaching a trilateral peace agreements among South Korea, North Korea, and the U.S. by taking the lead in disarmament. In order for a progressive political party to take root in the political circle through this election and produce tangible results in the foreseeable future, voters should cast ballots for the DLP at the polls.