Posted December. 04, 2002 22:31,
Management expenses of Apartment in Metropolitan city have nearly four times difference per pyeong.
Especially, though scale and time of completion are similar, its management expenses have at least a difference of 2 times.
Fair Trade Commission stated on 4th that as a result of investigating management expenses of 339 apartment complexes and 165 rental apartments in capital area besides Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Daejeon and Gwangu, average management expenses of apartment complex was 2,479 won per pyeong and rental apartment was 1,854 won.
If it is converted into 32 pyeong, average management expenses are 79, 328won per apartment and 46,750 won per rental apartment excluding expenses for heating and hot water, which depends upon use by a family.
The highest expenses of apartment per pyeong are 4,655 won, which is 3.7 times than the lowest expenses. The highest expenses of rental apartment are 4,111 won, which is 5.4 times than the lowest one.
Bigger pyeong, smaller complex and the old buildings management expenses are high. Also, Seoul as compared to local province, self-management style than commission, high-rise apartment above 6th floor~under 15th floor than under 5th floor or above 16th floor, central heating system than local heating or personal heating, entails more money for management.
The less pyeong rental apartment has higher management expenses, different from sale apartment, and less than 15 pyeong are two times expensive than above 30 pyeong.
FTC requested ministry of construction and transportation to improve rule for managing collective housing that limited subject of managing apartment collectively as 3 complexes and 1,000 houses.
Also, it advised nine rental apartments that gave money to chief of management for work, which is like expedience fund, and decided to induce lowering management expenses.