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Large Number of ‘Duplicated Internet Applications’

Posted November. 27, 2002 23:02,   


348:1 for ‘INI Steel’, 250:1 for Korea Development Bank’, 152:1 for ‘Pantech & Curitel’, 100:1 for ‘SK Telecom’ and 125:1 for ‘Cho Hung Bank’….’

It is a competitive rate of employment for university graduates in the second half of the year.

It is because the online applications have been generalized as well as because the competitive rate of employment has been raised and there is large number of job seekers.

Kim Hyeon-Hee, head of public information section of Job Link said, “Job seekers have sent applications regardless of a type of industry or kind of jobs through clicking once. That is, ‘Such applicants have sharply increased”.

As results of a survey on application frequency for 1854 job seekers who graduated from the university, 30.6% of respondents answered ‘6∼10 times’ and 8.6% of respondents answered “Over 30 times”.

As there are duplicated applications, some applicants are hired repeatedly, but other applicants continue to fail in a screening of candidates by examining their personal histories. Cho Hung Bank has about 20% of absence rate of the successful candidates in the personal histories.

A sudden increase of applicants means the employment expense and the work burden in a position of the company. Hence, many companies have entrusted the recruitment agency with most of recruitment. Because of it, the recruitment agencies have a lot of the recruitment demands.

Internet recruiting site, ‘Incruit’ said that companies entrusting the recruitment execution have increased to 300 firms this year from 200 firms last year in number. The agency expenses of recruitment are 3 million won∼10 million won per firm.

Because of side effects based on the sudden increase of applicants, some companies have made a comeback to a traditional recruiting system’.

Hyudai Development Company hired new employees through online application in the meantime, but hired employees by receiving a recommendation from each university in the second half of the year. Yun Yeong-Su, manager of human resource management division, Hyundai Development Company said, “We hardly read all application firms and so changed the recruitment system.”

Jong sik Kong kong@donga.com