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The 2002 US Mid-term Election

Posted November. 07, 2002 23:07,   


Since the US interim election has ended with the Republicans` win, it is creating big waves in not only in America but also the international society. The Republican Party, who has grasped both the Senate and the House, is sweeping `the flower of the Parliamentarism` the Chairs of the permanent committees, and the President George W. Bush started to plan the affairs of state for the second half of his regime, but on the other hand, the Democratic Party, which lost the majority in both the Senate and the House in 49 years, were in debate of analyzing the cause of loss and ways of restoring the Party. Each country of the world worries that the pressure on Iraq will be harder since the one-sided overseas policy of the President Bush got more power after the election, and counting their gains and losses. Especially worries in the Arabic region, which has a good chance to be damaged by war, got bigger. In the meantime, the State Senate of Washington Shin, Ho-Bum (Paul Shin) and the State Congressman of Hawaii Silvia Chang Luke succeeded the reelection and 3-time reelection as Democratic candidates in this election. A lawyer Kim, Gi-Hyun, who campaigned for the Federal House in California, and other Korean-American candidates drank a bitter cup.

Jung-Ahn Kim credo@donga.com