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Whistle Blower of Chang Scandal Bought by Millennium Democratic Party?

Whistle Blower of Chang Scandal Bought by Millennium Democratic Party?

Posted October. 14, 2002 23:36,   


Chang Hak-roh scandal is considered the most sensational corruption scandal involving Kim Young-sam administration. Chang was a high-ranking Blue House official at that time. But now, according to a new allegation, the scandal was faked up. It says that the predecessor of Millennium Democratic Party, which was the opposition party at that time, bought the person who popped up the scandal. Thus, another fierce war of partisanship is beginning to brew up.

This time, the new allegation sounds worth all the attentions it commands. It is based on a high probability that political parties, while waging a war of allegations, may have bought or systematically provided the whistle blowers with special privileges.

The while blower of the Chang scandal (44, woman), whose last name is Back, made an explosive disclosure in March of 1996, alleging Chang`s corruptive amassing of the assets. But it transpired on October 14, 2002, that she has commenced a civil action on Oct. 4th. In the complaint she filed with the Southern division of Seoul District Court, she alleged, seeking monetary damages including 300 million won for breach of contract from President Kim Dae Jung and the MDP, “The MDP has not paid me the money it had promised in return for my disclosure of the Chang scandal.”

In her complaint, Ms. Back says, “Rep. Oh Gil-rok, who I got to become familiar with in February of 1996, promised many returns for my disclosure. For example, Rep. Oh, who was also a high-ranking official of the Blue House, promised to give me 100 million won in cash along with the license to run commissions in a big building and the Olympic Park. But all I had received as of Sep. of 1999 was 80 million won cash.” According to her complaint, she had received, from the officials of the MDP, 30 million won in February of 1996 right after she made the disclosure in a press conference, 10 million in Sep. of 1996, and 30 million won in June of 1999 and 10 million in Sep. of 1999.

She also contends, “In August of this year, Mr. Cha, one of the MDP’s directors, promised to give me additional 220 million won as compensation for the agony I have gone through. But not a dime has not been paid.”

To sustain her complaint in the court proceedings, she has submitted the receipt and promissory note for 30 million won paid in June of 1999, and transcripts of the taping of the MDP members` discussion about the money.

In response, Mr. Oh denied, “What she alleges in the complaint is simply an allegation. Ever since she disclosed the scandal in 1996, she had come to our party`s headquarters frequently, begging returns for her announcement. Thus, I just gave her 40 million won out of my own pocket.” He added, “It was my personal money. So I did not have to report it to the party senior members.”

Ms. Back is the wife of the brother of Mr. Chang`s mistress. In February of 1996, she reported the corruptive behavior to the MDP, and later in March of the same year disclosed the scandal in a press conference.

Dong-Yong Min mindy@donga.com