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Seoul City, not to Implement Traffic Toll

Posted October. 09, 2002 22:55,   


Though the revision of enforcement of traffic maintenance act, which contains the expanded subject of imposing traffic toll on existing principal roads connecting the expressway, was passed by the State council on 8th, Seoul stated that it has no plans to implement the ordinance on 9th.

Director of Seoul Traffic Management, Eum Sung-jik, said, “ Seoulites prefer convenient transportation such as bus or sub-trains primarily”, and “ currently, we aren’t discussing about the expanded subject of traffic or appointing specific traffic management district”.

Local government can implement the expanded subject for traffic toll mentioned in the revision, however, Seoul city will not implement the subject except Namsan 1, 3 tunnel, where it charges traffic toll of 2,000 won.

Prior to this, Ministry of Construction and Traffic revised the enforcement ordinance of traffic maintenance in which it changed districts for charging traffic toll from low speed, such as 15~20 km per hour, passing time above one hour to above 3hr districts like principal roads and junctions.

And if passing speed is below 30 km per hour for more than 3 hours on a highway above 4 lanes, traffic toll will be charged.
