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ASEM Urges US-NK Talks

Posted September. 23, 2002 22:59,   


The 4th round of ASEM summit, which is being held in Copenhagen, Denmark, adopted yesterday the political declaration for peace on the Korean peninsula. The declaration urges North Korea to resume talks with the US and another round of summit talks with South Korea.

The five-point declaration was adopted at the first day of the two-day inter-continental summit. In the declaration, the participating leaders lent support for the inter-Korean reconciliation and cooperation process, expressed concerns over the recent naval clash in the West Sea and urged North Korea to prevent such incidents from recurring. They also called on North Korea to honor the June 15 Joint Declaration, expressed their hope to solve nuclear problems through dialogue and committed themselves to promoting cooperation and exchange with North Korea.

In his opening speech, President Kim Dae-jung asked for member countries` support for his Sunshine Policy and reconfirmed the importance of establishing an `Iron Silk Road`.

President Kim said, "The construction to relink cross-border railroads and roads would significantly contribute to ease military tension on the Korean peninsula and serve as a starting point of the `Iron Silk Road`, which will directly link Europe with Korea overland." He urged member countries to lend encouragement and support for his Sunshine Policy, saying that only the successful implementation of his engagement policy could contribute to world peace.

Heads of the ASEM member states also adopted the `ASEM Copenhagen Declaration` to eradicate terrorism and resolved to strengthen coordination and consultation between member countries to cope with terrorism and international criminal rings. President Kim is expected to meet separately with Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission today. President Kim will discuss ways to promote cooperation between Korea and the EU before heading back to Korea.
