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[Editorial] `Inadequate Remarks` of Candidate Roh Moo-Hyun

[Editorial] `Inadequate Remarks` of Candidate Roh Moo-Hyun

Posted May. 30, 2002 08:51,   


`If North-South dialogue succeeds, every thing else does not matter even if it is gang rioted. The rest is O.K. if it is done average.` These are remarks made by presidential candidate of the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) Roh Moo-Hyun during a party speech gathering held at the Bupyung Station in Incheon on May 28. Candidate Roh complemented his remark by saying, `It means that inter-Korean dialogue is so important that, if the dialogue is a success, other things might be okay when they are not go so well as the dialogue.` Accordingly, terms like `gang riot` and `done average` are only `Roh Moo-Hyun style rhetoric` to emphasize the importance of the inter-Kreran dialogue.

However, persons of sound judgment will grimace at the expressions. Furthermore, when it is known that the remarks are coming from a presidential candidate, they would further worry about the remarks. Candidate Roh should deeply think over `his instability of words that are not finely grained.` The instability of words might reflect the instability of perception. Even if it is an ironical expression, when a person who is out to take responsibility for state affairs says, `the rest is average done`, people will surely feel insecure.

Candidate Roh pointed out in an interview with a periodical in the same day, `Pro Lee Hoi-Chang element exists in the prosecution,` and further said, `Even though I have received a supporting fund from Tiger Pools International, leaking out that information little by little seems a foul play.` Candidate Roh have in previous occasions warned the prosecution, and this time he `specifically` pointed out `Lee Hoe-Chang Prosecution`, which is also a much inadequate remark.

Even if he has several complaints on the prosecution investigation, he is not free from the criticism that a presidential candidate of a public party is damaging, at will, the priority value of political neutrality of the prosecution by saying in such manner. Above all, since the majority of people view the primary factor of blocking the political neutrality of the prosecution rests on the power holders, it is doubtful whether they would accept `reverse political prosecution claims` of candidate Roh.

Candidate Roh should think over what is important in building a right frame for our country in the longer term and speak accordingly. The words are expressions of perception.