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Yellow Sand Weakening, but Strong Windstorms over the Nation

Yellow Sand Weakening, but Strong Windstorms over the Nation

Posted April. 13, 2002 08:52,   


Yellow dust sands, which dominated over the Korean Peninsula in the late afternoon of April 12, are expected to leave the region following a low-pressure trough in the afternoon of April 13.

The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) said on April 12, `Yellow sands originating from the inner Mongolian region of China have arrived in the late afternoon of April 12, and forecasted to be weakened to escape to the East Sea on April 13,` but added,` However, strong wind will blow over the nation, and more care should be given to the management of facilities.`

KMA said, `Yellow sands are observed just from Paekryong-Do, and spreading to the central region of Korea such as Chungju, Seosan, and Daejeon in the afternoon of April 12,` and, `This times yellow dust is on a medium level of 300∼500㎍/㎥, an average concentration rate of fine dust for one hour, and a special weather warning will not be issued since this is rather weak one compared to the yellow sand dust that hit the nation on April 8 and 10.

Ho-Gab Lee gdt@donga.com