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Steady Seller – Die Geschichte Von Herrn Sommer (Mr. Summer`s Story)

Steady Seller – Die Geschichte Von Herrn Sommer (Mr. Summer`s Story)

Posted March. 16, 2002 09:54,   


Mr. Summer`s Story

By Patrick Suskind

122 pages, 6,500 won, The Open Books.

“Why can`t you just leave me in peace”

Mr. Summer`s monolog in the novel `Mr. Summer`s Story` still remains as moving words for many people.

This book has been sold 800,000 copies, including 48th printing of the first edition, which was published in Nov. 1992, and 10th printing of the 1999 new edition. The publisher still receives 3,000-4,000 copies of order in every month.

Although this is a short fable-like novel, the story is for children and adults alike. Jean Jacques Sempe`s drawings are also very emotional.

Fearing the world, Mr. Summer is walking endlessly through the countryside holding a strange stick. Mr. Summer`s appearance seen by a young boy is really odd. Mr. Summer symbolizes the `purity` of a human being who has been repressed by the machine civilization. His outcry of `leave me` is a struggle of a pure spirit, which was hurt by the desolated reality.

Moon Hyun-Ja (58, housewife) said, “This book provided me a chance to reflect myself, who had been obsessed by time and work. I wish that one does not lose one`s childlike innocence in busy life.”

There was an episode when the Open Books were trying to make a contract for the book`s Korean edition. Having heard this news, many translators asked the publisher for using their works. Translators already expected the success of this book.

However, the book did not get readers` attention in the beginning. It became a best seller 3 years later. The publisher said, “There was no response from the reader because the style of the book was unfamiliar to them. But, after it became the talk of people, orders flooded in.”

Although Mr. Summer faces his death in the novel, his teaching, `slowly try to find a room for your life,` will remain for a long time.

Tae-Hun Hwang beetlez@donga.com