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British Opposition Party Claimed “Blaire Is Involved in Enron Scandal“

British Opposition Party Claimed “Blaire Is Involved in Enron Scandal“

Posted January. 30, 2002 09:40,   


While the employees of Enron filed a lawsuit against the management including former president Kenneth Lay for damages, the U.S. Justice Department assigned a famed prosecutor in charge of mafia cases to the `Enron Gate`.

Despite suspicions that the current administration and Enron had maintained a cozy relationship, the U.S. Justice Department expressed its strong will to the thorough investigation by appointing prosecutor Wiseman who indicted a boss of a notorious mafia in New York in 1997.

Lost Principals By Stock Price Plunge: over 400 former and incumbent employees of Enron filed a lawsuit against the management including former president Kenneth Lay and current president Jeffrey Skilling, arguing that even though the financial status of the company was very unstable, they were recommended by the management to buy Enron stocks.

They invested in Enron stocks with their enterprise pension but lost most of their principals by the plunge of the stock price after the bankruptcy of Enron. The employees also made accusations against Northern Trust to which the employees pension was entrusted and accounting corporation Arthur Andersen.

Enron Scandal Led To British Government: the sparkles of the Enron scandal in the U.S. is now spreading to the United Kingdom. The British opposition parties such as the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrat Party urged for the establishment of a special committee to investigate the case, insisting that the ruling Labor Party and the Tony Blaire administration are involved in the scandal.

Meanwhile, U.S. President George W. Bush rejected the request of General Accounting Office investigating in the Enron case for the release of the documents in the White House. Previously, Vice President Dick Cheney also rejected the request of David Walker the chairperson of GAO.
