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“Congo Volcano Eruption- 100,000 Missing“

Posted January. 21, 2002 09:40,   


Volcano erupted in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) causing 45 locals dead, and 450,000 in shelter, says foreign report on 20th.

England’s `Independent News` reported on 20th that approximately 100,000 people are missing as tens of thousands of people are trapped between lava that flowed out from the volcano. Adolphe Onusumba, leader of the Rwandan-backed Congolese rebel group that controls the city of Goma, said nearly 40 Per Cent of the city’s population were trapped by the lava without drinkable water or electricity.

It is seen that stream of lava is continuously flowing out from a new crack.

Experts warned that if the lava flows into Lake Kivu, located between Congo and Rwanda, poisonous gases including Methane will form and cause serious damage.