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President Kim, “No Reason to Depart from the Party“

Posted November. 29, 2001 09:15,   


President Kim Dae-Jung said in an interview with Reuters on Nov. 28, "I resigned the (New Millennium Democratic Party) leadership to concentrate on administrative affairs without being burdened by the party`s affairs like the U.S. president, not because I do not comply with the party`s opinion. Thus I have no reason to depart from the party."

When asked whether it would be possible for North Korean National Defense Commission Chairman Kim Jong-Il to visit Seoul, the President said, "I cannot say a definite word about it. But I am looking at the situation with trust that Chairman Kim will not neglect his repeated promises to visit Seoul in compliance with the June 15 Joint Declaration."

President Kim added, "I was disappointed at the recent relationship between South and North Korea, but I don`t think it is hopeless. I think the sunshine policy will be realized certainly because there are no alternatives to the sunshine policy, which is no other than a win-win policy."

Regarding the recent gunfight in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that occurred on Nov. 27, President Kim said, "I just received a report about the incident, but not a detailed information about its background." and continued, "It would be better to wait for a while as North Korea has not said anything about it yet." President Kim said in regard to North Korea`s participation in the World Cup, "It is our position that we will welcome North Korea anytime when North Korea wants to participate. We are soliciting (North Korea`s) participation."

Chol-Hi Lee klimt@donga.com