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Michael Jordan ``One Man Show``

Posted October. 24, 2001 08:53,   


There was no player other than Michael Jordan who could play a proper role in Washington Wizards.

With the NBA season opening ahead, the Washington lost to last year`s eastern conference champion Philadelphia 76ers 87-91 to record one win and four losses in preseason on 23rd.

The reason why this loss intrigued much attention is that the Philadelphia did not use the last year`s best member such Allen Iverson, Eric Snow, Aaron McKie and George Lynch.

Thus, the Washington could maintain the 6-point lead until the third quarter through which Jordan has played. However, as soon as Jordan left the court in the fourth quarter, the Wizard`s awkward offense failed to add a point until 5 min. 54 sec., and finally allowed the reverse 46 seconds before the game ended.

Jordan showed his experienced performance against the double team or triple team of the opponent defenders, making 17 points for 28 minutes. However, this game proved again the worrisome prediction the experts that the Wizards` poor offensive ability would shadow over Jordan`s excellence.

Kim Sang-Ho hyangsan@donga.com