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Special Investigations Public Prosecutors Post Opened to Outside

Special Investigations Public Prosecutors Post Opened to Outside

Posted October. 18, 2001 09:27,   


The Supreme Public Prosecutors Office announced that it submitted a bill to the Ministry of Justice for a special investigations public prosecutor to conduct independent investigations into the politician and high ranking government official dealings, the major financial scandal, and other incidents on October 17.

According to the bill, the special investigations prosecutor position is open to outsiders and allows the National Assembly and other bodies to request a verdict on cases which the prosecution drops.

The position is open to senior public prosecutors, lawyers with over 10 years experience, applicants with at least an assistant professorship at a law school, and applicants from government or public welfare organizations.

The post will be filled by the President with the recommendation of the chief minister of justice. The term of office is for two years and will be given independent personnel and financial status apart from the Public Prosecutors Office.

Appeals on cleared charges and stayed prosecution may be submitted by the plaintiff and the National Assembly.

Furthermore, the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office will establish deliberation committees in every prosecutors office, which will be chaired by a deputy chief prosecutor, in order to guarantee the prosecutors` right to refuse an unjust order from a superior. The committee will be responsible for mediating disputes and conflict between superiors and prosecutors.

Lee Soo-Hyung sooh@donga.com