Posted October. 17, 2001 09:26,
Concerning the controversy of slipshod construction raised against New City apartments in 5 cities, including Pundang, Sungnam Kyunggi-Do and Ilsan, Koyang, the government had an emergency talk on Oct. 16 with 14 attendants comprised of local government officials and construction industry personnel.
An official of Ministry of Construction and Transportation said, ``An anxiety about slipshod construction is growing again as a lawsuit related to flaw repairs for apartments in New City area is following one after another.`` and explained, ``In order to prevent its spreading, local government officials and construction industry personnel were summoned to discuss necessary measures.``
But he went to on to say, ``The security of apartment`s structure is checked twice a year as prescribed by the apartment house management regulation, and no serious structural flaws have been found in the New City so far.`` and added, ``The current emergency talk was not aimed at the security matters, but rather leveled at requesting the companies to deal with the demands for repair more sincerely.``
According to Ministry of Construction and Transportation, any flaws found in any apartments over the nation must be reported to mayors and governors. If an apartment marks the security grade D or E through a close security examination, its structural examination will be conducted every month, and an apartment that belongs to the security grade E is to put into demolition, whereas the grade D will be put into reinforcement work.