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Chan-Ho and Byung-Hyun in the Same Game. ``Oh, Well...``

Chan-Ho and Byung-Hyun in the Same Game. ``Oh, Well...``

Posted September. 22, 2001 08:27,   


Both Park Chan-Ho (28, LA Dodgers) and Kim Byung-Hyun (22, Arizona Diamondbacks) were not the witting pitcher, but they played an unregrettable game.

After Park Chan-Ho`s defeat in the game with San Diego Padris on the 18th with 2 hits, 3 base on balls, and 4 points lost, and Kim Byung-Hyun`s reversed defeat in the game with Colorado Rockets on the 19th with 2 points lost from two consecutive homeruns, both of them made their first appearance since then on the game of the 21st. This game was almost a reenactment of another game that was held about 3 months ago on June 21st, where the `Korean special grade` and the `Korean made nuclear submarine` met for the first time. Even the location was the same, the Los Angeles Dodgers` Stadium.

The starting pitcher Park Chan-Ho clearly shook of all concerns over injuries to his waist and left Achilles, leading the game without any losses with powerful pitching that was evidenced by 7 strike-outs, while only giving away 5 hits and 2 base on balls.

Dodgers took the lead by 2-0 when `Chan-Ho`s helper` Sean Green made a three-base hit in the first inning and `Chan-Ho`s exclusive catcher` Chad Crooter hit a homerun in the sixth inning. But the source of misfortune was changing Park Chan-Ho who had thrown 108 balls. The new pitcher Jeff Orosco gave away an infield hit to the first batter Craig Counsel followed by a two point homerun to Loius Gonzales (season`s 53rd), and thereby nullified Park Chan-Ho`s lead in no time.

Next came the final pitcher Kim Byung-Hyun. Kim Byung-Hyun, who took the plate on the 9th inning after a continuation of 2-2 rallying, did not throw all that powerful balls probably because of his frequent emergence on the mound. However in the 9th inning, Kim Byung-Hyun with a full base and 1 out, induced a short direct hit to Adrian Beltrae, and in the 10th inning with first base and no out, induced a flying bunt ball toward the third-baseman, thereby effecting double-outs with his experience of coming out of a dangerous situation. Although he gave away 1 hit and 3 base-on-balls in 2 innings, he nevertheless did not lose any point.

The competition that continued beyond midnight local time, ended pretty much like the game that had been held three months earlier. On the extended 13th inning, with 2 outs Sean Green hit a homerun (47th) that flew the ball over the right-side wall to claim victory for Dodgers by 3-2. Dodgers have discontinued its recent 5 consecutive defeats and have closed up its gap with the leading team of Western National League, Arizona by 3 games, and the second ranked San Francisco by 0.5 games.

Zang Hwan-Soo zangpabo@donga.com