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``Active Use of Media for the Government Publicity``

Posted September. 17, 2001 08:18,   


It was revealed that the government was carrying out the publicity guideline, which states the active use of the media by the government to strengthen the `economy publicity`. The government set up the publicity strategy, which increases the frequent appearance of economy related ministers, vice ministers and leaders in the media programs and uses the various talk-show programs of the media.

`Plan to strengthen the publicity on economy and education to raise confidence in economy`, obtained only by Dong-a Ilbo yesterday, urges the economy ministers, vice-ministers and leaders to actively appear in the media programs, and states that it is necessary to adjust in advance the direction of the discussion with the participant, who will represent the government position. The guideline was written by the Minister of Finance and Economy, and was passed at the vice-minister`s meeting last month.

The guideline directs to strengthen the publicity on the pending economic issues by actively using TV and radio talk-shows and discussion programs. KBS Midnight Discussion, News Line, Sunday Diagnosis, MBC 100 minute discussion, SBS Discussion-Debate, MBC radio program Focus, KBS Information Center, and SBS Outlook were selected by the guideline. The government gave an example in which Deputy Minister Jin Nyum is regularly showing in `KBS Information Center: This is Park Chan-Sook` every Friday from August 3rd till October 5th.

The guideline pointed out that it was necessary to consider to hold the joint TV discussion meeting among Cheong Wa Dae, Prime Minister`s office, and the Korean Information Service when it was necessary for various ministers to take actions together on the urgent issues, such as labor strike.

According to the guideline, it is desirable to increase the special programs on economy saying that currently there is only one program, which is KBS Outlook on Economy, while there were 2 to 3 programs in each TV right after the foreign exchange crisis. In order to increase the programs on economy, the guideline suggests that the Korean Information Service works on the program schedule, while economy related ministries provide the subject matter and ideas for the programs.

A plan to strengthen the publicity by producing a special program regarding the socially and politically sensitive issues, such as public funds, was discussed.

According to the guideline, the government decided to strengthen the publicity on the local economy by holding a discussion meeting with ministers and vice-ministers on the local economy, sponsored by the local private media and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, during October and November. The guideline added that while each ministry plans the detailed items and carries them out, related ministries cooperate closely in advance.
