`No. 60`
Racing toward the single season home run record, Barry Bonds (37, San Francisco Giants) blasted No. 60, which was a quickest reach in a season.
By smashing a historic blast in the second inning of the game with Arizona Diamondbacks at Pacific Bell Park, Bonds yesterday became only the fifth player in baseball history to break the 60-homer barrier. Before Bonds joined an exclusive 60-Homer Club, the club consisted of Babe Ruth of New York Yankies (60 in 1927), Roger Maris (61 in 1961), Mark McGwire of St. Louis (70 in 1998 and 65 in 1999) and Sammy Sosa of Chicago Cups (66 in 1998 and 63 in 1999).
Bonds shot 60 homers in 141 games, exceeding Mark McGwire who hit his 59th homer in 141 games in 1998. And he recorded a home run per 6.9 bats, a better frequency than the record of McGwire (a home run per 7.3 bats) in 1998. If Bonds blasts 11 more homers in remaining 21 games, he can write a new chapter in the home run history after one written by McGwire of 70 home runs.
San Francisco left six games with LA Dodgers, Houston Astros and San Diego Padres respectively and three games with Colorado Rockies.
Since his team San Francisco is now on the fierce race toward the playoffs, it is very obvious that its opponent teams will be on a full alert on Barry Bonds. The NL West second place San Francisco is chasing Arizona by 1.5 games, and has to face 6 times with the NL West third place LA Dodgers, just a half game behind.
However, because Bonds has recently shown the best condition, hitting three homers in last four games, we need to watch how he does as the regular season ends.