Posted August. 17, 2001 09:08,
UN Human Rights Subcommittee decided to adopt a resolution unanimously on Wednesday. The resolution calls for the correct record of the human rights violation cases, such as sexual violence and sexual slavery during the armed dispute, in the history textbooks.
Although the 53rd UN Human Rights Subcommittee, held in Geneva, Switzerland, originally planned to adopt the resolution on Wednesday, the resolution was not adopted on that day due to the discussion of other issues. However, 26 committee members agreed to adopt the resolution and carry out the official decision procedure soon.
The resolution also urges nations to provide effective criminal punishment and compensation to the violation behavior, which has not been compensated, in order for the sexual violence during the armed dispute to be properly reprimanded.
Although the resolution does not state `Japan`, it seems to target Japan since the Japan`s military sexual slavery and the distortion of the history textbooks are the timely issues. This is the first time for the UN Human Rights Organization to adopt a resolution that recommends to guarantee the correctness of the historical incidents by emphasizing the importance of the education for human rights.