Posted August. 09, 2001 08:27,
President Kim Dae-Jung stated yesterday after a report on the party`s administration from chairperson Kim Joong-Kwon that he will ``do his best effort to recover the economy`` and also ordered the chairperson ``to strengthen the measures for the middle and low-income classes.``
Spokesperson Chun Yong-Hak briefed that, in terms of the policy coordination council of the government and the ruling and opposing parties, President Kim remarked ``I expect an in-depth discussion between the ruling and opposing sides. I hope the council concludes with productive outcomes for the welfare measures of the people such as the promotion of the export and investment, revised supplementary budget, housing matters of the low-income class, balanced regional development, and the revitalization of the traditional markets.``
The spokesperson also hinted that the President discussed the content of the 8.15 congratulatory address, plans for the general session of the National Assembly, and the re-election and by-election in November, saying that ``lots of current issues were discussed at the meeting.``
Responding to the reporter`s question whether the President had commented on the investigation of the Prosecutors Office on the press, chairperson Kim said, ``probably, because even the owners of the press have been summoned.`` Chairperson Kim said that the President did not mention anything about the party and government reshuffling and the party convention for the election of the presidential candidate.