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Sul Ki Hyun`s `Gradual Climb to Europe`

Posted August. 09, 2001 08:21,   


Sul Ki Hyun (22, Anderlecht) is ready for take-off. On August 9, Sul takes his first step toward superstardom on the European stage as he enters the European Soccer Champions League as the first Korean player ever.

The Champions League plays only in the top clubs across Europe and has been a dream that no Korean player had yet realized. Even former national sports coach Cha Pum Kun, nicknamed `Cha-Boom` by the German Bundesleague, could not star in the Champions League.

Sul got the chance to play in the League after his team won in Belgium this season.

Sul has patiently worked to make an impression on the European stage. Last season, Sul played in 25 games in Antwerp, Belgium, with three goals and ten assists, and transferred to the prestigious Anderlecht team. During the Belgian Championship game on August 5, Sul ran over Wes Turrow with a head trick and made a stir as the star rookie. With talent and luck, Sul secured a spot on the starting team.

At his announcement of the starting team list for the Confederations Cup, Korean national team coach Gus Hedenk remarked, ``A player who works hard in the minor leagues is better than a player sitting on a major league bench.`` and highly praised Sul’s unrelenting performance.

If Sul keeps up the momentum, it is very possible that he may enter the `Big Leagues` of Italy, Spain, and England.

There are already precedents for such a move. Last season, Anderlecht’s Thomas Lazinski and Jan Koler made a strong impression on the Champions League and respectively transferred to the English premier league team, Everton, and the German Bundesleague team, Dortmund.

Joo Sung-Won swon@donga.com