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Who Is This? Al Gore `Tries To Change His Image`

Posted August. 07, 2001 10:05,   


``Is he Al Gore?`` students of Valencia University in Spain asked, surprised by the look of Gore, with a beard. Former vice-president of the U.S. Al Gore used to show up in public places, always neatly dressed-up with handsome features.

Why did Al Gore, a descendent of a noble family in politics, Harvard University graduate with aristocratic features, showed up in Europe with such an unprecedented look?

The U.S. Press interpreted Gore`s change as an attempt to alter his image as his return to politics is scheduled in September. As President Abraham Lincoln grew a beard to get rid of his cold image, Gore seems to try to change his aristocratic image to a popular image. The U.S. Press reported that the Gore`s circle evaluated that his aristocratic image was rather a minus factor in the last presidential election.

However, Gore`s assistants said that ``he (Gore) is vacationing in Europe with his family. He was simply growing a beard during vacation and he will shave after coming back from vacation.``

Kwon Ki-Tae kkt@donga.com