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Woods-Sorenstam `Best Of The Best Players`

Posted August. 01, 2001 19:58,   


`Golf game of the century` never ended even after the 18-hole round.

On the field, it became dark and the lights from the lighting towers were reflected on the irons. In the 18th hole (Par 4, 355 yard) where the play-off was held, David Duval (US)’s par putting passed by the right side of the cup slightly but Tiger Woods (US) succeeded the 60 cm par putting. It was the winning moment for Woods-Sorenstam (Sweden) beating Duval-Webb(Australia) in the `Battle at Bighorn’ where two couples of best men and women golfers fought.

In Bighorn Golf Club Course (Par 72, 6973 yard) in Palm Desert, California on July 31, Woods-Sorenstam couple had a big chasing game and won the come-back win.

They were awarded 1.2 million dollars out of 1.7 million prize.

4 top golfers had difficulty playing golf against strong wind of 48 km/hr, as well as hard and fast green. Tee-shots were diverted frequently and there was a case where Woods-Sorenstam team had to troubleshoot with the grip holding like a left-handed because the stance was not maintained. Woods said, ``4 of us may well be the best golfers in the world, but it was very difficult to find game rhythms due to tough game conditions.``

Sorenstam said, ``Although I was not myself today, I could win the game because of my good partner. Today will be remembered as a big day of women golf restoration.`` An alternative rule, in which two players take turns to golf alternatively, was applied to this game. Woods and Sorenstam, No. 1 man and woman golfer respectively, excelled from the start, making harmony with each other.

Up to the eighth hole, they led the game by -2. At the second hole (Par 4), Webb made an unexpected putting mistake which caused Duval to succeed a 18 mm putt.

Meanwhile, Woods-Sorenstam pared the hole with 3 on and 1 putt and was in the advantageous position. On the 7th hole (Par 5), Sorenstam succeeded in a buddy putt.

Nevertheless, Duval and Webb, who tried to cast off the tags of `2nd players`, chased them, winning 9th hole (Par 4) and 10th hole (Par 4) in a row. Then, the leader-board was lettered `All square (Tie)`. Duval and Webb pared 11th hole (Par 4) and led the game by -1. They won a buddy on 15th hole (Par 5) by 2 on 2 putts and led the game up to -2.

It appeared that they were on the verge of winning the game.

However, Woods and Sorenstam made a chasing fire on the 16th hole (Par 3). Sorenstam dropped the ball around 3.6 m away from the cup and Woods pared the hole, while Duval-Webb missed the par putt. On the 17th hole (Par 4), both teams missed the par putts. But on the 18th hole, Woods hit a second shot, which was 3m away from the cup, and then Sorenstam had successfully putted a birdie. This drove both teams onto the extended match.

Kim Jong-Seok kjs0123@donga.com