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Russia And U.S. Search For MD-AMB Deal

Posted July. 27, 2001 10:16,   


The Russian press reported on Wednesday that Russia was attempting to reach a `big deal` with the U.S. with regard to the U.S.` missile defense (MD) system and the revision of anti-ballistic missile (ABM) treaty.

It was reported that Russia would demand an additional reduction of nuclear weapons and the economic aid for complying with the U.S. Russia has long objected to the U.S. plans for MD system and the revision of the ABM treaty.

Private NTV reported, quoting the U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, that while accepting the U.S.` demands, Russia will demand to be treated as a most-favored nation by the U.S. in terms of economy.

Daily newspaper Komersant reported that ``if the U.S. agreed to the additional reduction of strategic nuclear weapons, Russia would agree on the revision of the ABM treaty.`` The Russian press, quoting the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, said that the U.S. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, who was visiting Russia from 25 through 26, delivered the detailed suggestions of the U.S.

After meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Minister Ivanov, Ms. Rice said, ``both countries have an opportunity to choose a cooperative way to resolve the issue.``

NTV forecasted that the negotiations between the two countries will begin in full-scale, beginning with the visitation of the Russian negotiators, represented by the first vice-chief of the General Staff Yuri Valuyevsk, to Washington D.C. in August 7 through 8, and the visitation of the U.S. Defense Minister Donald Rumsfeld to Moscow to talk with the Minister Ivanov in August 13 through 14.

The U.S. plans to start to build the MD test base in Alaska beginning mid August. This, in fact, means the unilateral withdrawal from the ABM treaty. The Russian press reported that it might be possible for the two countries to agree on the `big deal` before the U.S.-Russia summit, which may possibly take place in Texas in November.
