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G8 Failed To Reach Agreement On Kyoto Protocol.

Posted July. 23, 2001 18:58,   


The G8 leaders including the leaders of 7 advanced countries and the Russian President completed the three day summit talks, adopting the Joint Declaration in Genoa, Italy, yesterday.

The G8 summit revealed in their declaration that they ``agreed that the international society will support for the eradication of AIDS and for the reduction of the information gap between the advanced countries and the developing countries.`` However, the G8 leaders failed to reach an agreement on the major agendas of the summit talks including the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce the greenhouse gas emission and the U.S.`s MD system.

A life toll and the 300 casualties during the anti-globalization demonstration participated by over 150 thousands people left a big scar on the summit talks. An Italian Mr. Carlo Giuliani was killed by the fire of the riot police nearby the place of the summit talk on July 20.

Consequently, the group of eight leaders decided to reduce the participating members of the G8 in Alberta, Canada, next year.

Meanwhile, the G8 leaders stated in the declaration that they support the South Korea`s North Korean engagement policy and the effort for the Inter-Korean reconciliation. The leaders emphasized their ``support for the implementation process of the Jeneva Framework including the operation of the KEDO. We expect the North to respond constructively to the international concerns on the North Korean missiles, human rights issues.``

Park Jei-Gyoon phark@donga.com