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[Editorial] Disgraceful Internal Trouble of Ruling Coalition

[Editorial] Disgraceful Internal Trouble of Ruling Coalition

Posted May. 31, 2001 09:20,   


The ruling New Millennium Democratic Party, which is experiencing a series of reformation controversies, stumbled once again by the blow of its coalition partner the United Liberal Democrats. A recent remark of Rep. Lee Sang Soo antagonized the United Liberal Democrats. Rep. Lee said at a conference of a NMDP district chapter in North Chung area, ``The primary reason for the downfall of the people`s support lies on the coalition with the ULD, whose human, systematic, and legal clean-up is difficult.``

A ULD congressperson from the region flew into a great rage, saying ``It`s a reckless remark to challenge the DJP coalition. Why would he disparage the ULD right in the home-ground of the ULD? Kim Jong-Pil, the honorary president of ULD,`` also said, ``[People] ask why ULD cooperated with the President. [The ULD] has to be patient to achieve the goal.`` He emphasized the parliamentary governmental system at the 6th anniversary ceremony of the ULD yesterday, clearly differentiating the ULD from the NMDP.

Regarding that the both parties of the coalition have been fighting with each other, when a partner has been in trouble, it is taken for granted that their coalition has no cause.

The fundamental problems of the both parties have been illustrated by this conflict. As Rep. Lee said, it is true that the reformative policies have been limited and hindered by the coalition of the two parties, which have totally different ideologies and political lines. The legalization of the reformative policies has been delayed and, due to the distrust of each other, they could not approve, by the votes in the National Assembly, the appointed persons.

However, the leaders of the two parties insisted that the coalition was the only way to survive and they displayed a political comedy, that is, the ULD borrowed some lawmakers from the NMDP. And they have shared the core seats of the government and the Assembly. They have made the politics as a source of gossip and maximized the people`s distrust and disgust for the politicians. All is the inevitable outcome of the `illicit union` of the two parties, which have headed fundamentally two different directions.

In fact, Rep. Lee appropriately indicated that the primary reason of the chaotic situation is rooted in the arbitrary coalition of the ULD and the NMDP. Therefore, the two parties have to face the problems of the DJP coalition instead of blaming each other. What does President Kim Dae-Jung, who is at the center of the coalition, think about the problems of the coalition, which is the main reason of the demands for the Party`s reformation? And how is he going to solve this problem?