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Selection process of the Japanese history textbook excludes teachers` opinions

Selection process of the Japanese history textbook excludes teachers` opinions

Posted May. 02, 2001 15:50,   


The effort not to take into account teachers’ input seriously in the selection process of the Japanese history textbook, which will be used next year, is rapidly spreading by a group of right-wing scholars called the Association to Make New History Textbooks (Association). This implies the high possibility that the newly approved Japanese history textbook will be used as an official textbook in school.

The Asahi Shimbun surveyed the 47 prefectural and municipal boards of education on whether they have made any changes in their selection procedures. 29 prefectural and municipal boards of education had already made changes or had instructed municipal school boards to apply the new selection procedures. According to those changes, teachers will have less of say in the textbook selection process.

The Association has been advocating the changes, such as exclusion of teachers’ right to be involved in the textbook selection process, exclusion of school’s right to recommend textbook, etc. The Association has been also active in promoting the adoption of the Japanese history textbook, which has distorted views on history. Although the final selection process has been made by each prefectural and municipal education board, in the past it used to give teachers more say in the process.

Lee Young-Ee yes202@donga.com