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Open criticism of Japanese textbook in UN meeting

Posted May. 02, 2001 11:05,   


On the 1st, it is reported that the government will take stern diplomatic actions to make an international issue the problem of the distorted textbook through criticizing on UN and the international stages, if the Japan government keeps showing a lukewarm response toward ask to rectify distortions in history textbook.

A high-rank government official said that ``we will be watching over their response after passing on to Japan a formal request for additional revision, if sooner, around this weekend`` and ``we are working on to criticize openly on the international stages such as UN, if Japan does not actively respond.

This official added that ``it was very effective for refreshing international environments to take a hard line toward Japan, making a discussion of the issue of military comfort women in UN Human Right Committee last month.``

It is reported that according to this, the government started working in order to make a discussion in UN Human Rights small committee in Geneva, Swiss, the World Convention for Abolition of Racial Discrimination in South Africa at the end of August, UN the 3rd Committee (Human Rights and Social spheres) in New York in October and November, New York UN Committee for Women’s Prestige at the end of the year.

And it is also known that the government is now reviewing a plan to make a discussion of this issue at the UNESCO level, based on the evaluation that the distortion of textbook violated ``A advisory letter about education, human rights, and basic freedom for international mutual understanding, cooperation and peace`` of 74` UNESCO.
